GrandOmics and Oxford Nanopore establish strategic alliance
Industry news | 28 April, 2019 | CACLP
To understand the impact of genomic structural variation on human disease, GrandOmics, a leading domestic sequencing company, announced a large-scale sequencing project called dbSV-100K.The project aims to use high-throughput nanopore sequencing to sequence 20,000 human genomes based on PromethION sequencing equipment in 2019, and achieve 50,000 genome targets by the end of 2020, with a total of 100,000 targets by the end of 2021 to provide customers with "personal reference genome." The project will explore viable opportunities for the development of clinical applications with a view to ultimately providing clinical genetic diagnosis services. The data obtained by the project will be used to establish the world's first and largest long-reading database of human genome structural variation--dbSV.
The project is dedicated to a comprehensive understanding of genetic variation associated with human health and disease. The GrandOmics and Oxford Nanopore signed a memorandum of understanding to establish a strategic alliance to provide high-quality genomic medical services that anyone can use anywhere at a reasonable price.
PromethION, the latest nanopore sequencing device, has now been upgraded to include more than 7Tb of human sample sequencing data using a complete 48-sequence sequencing chip.This is equivalent to 86 Gb of real-time sequencing data per hour, or nearly 30X coverage sequencing equivalent to 1 human genome.
Like other nanopore sequencers, PromethION sequences complete nucleic acid fragments, thus providing a very long read length sequence – the current single read length record is 2.3Mb, which means complete sequence fragments, not smaller Multiple sequencing of the fragments was repeated.With real-time data and modular sequencing chips, the performance of the sequencing technology remains unchanged while the performance of the technology continues to evolve. Sequencing chips now offer ultra-high yields, and the latest R10 version of the nanopore chip provides Q50 (99.999% consistency accuracy) in the company's internal mini-genome test. The current GrandOmics said that the R10 chip is being tested.
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